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Hungarians, hold your horses

All Hungarians have a big nose, they like goulash soup, they own horses, they are pessimistic and they all have a mustache. Reading this line, I assume, everyone has now an image in their mind about how the average Hungarian looks like. Similarly, if we come across with other nationalities in our everyday life – […]

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Greetings from Málaga

On 1st September, when I stepped out of the airport of Málaga, many emotions rushed through my heart. After such a long time spent with planning, arranging documents, finding accommodation, choosing my classes, surviving my very first flight on my own to a country I have never been in my life – finally there I […]

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“I belong to the world of intellectuals that is on the verge of extinction”: An interview with iASK Director Prof. Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz

At the proposal of Hungary’s Prime Minister, university professor Ferenc Miszlivetz, currently acting as the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), has been awarded the Cross of the Hungarian Order of Civic Merit by President János Áder, recognizing his decades of outstanding achievements in scientific research and education as well as his […]