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A semester in Austria

English Pages has already covered several different topics such as the introduction of foreign Erasmus students or some other interesting facts regarding different nation’s habits. We have written about our fellow students’ participation in Erasmus programs in different countries. It is time now for Szofi Szávai to share her experiences and memories about her stay […]

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Professor of fun

I was talking to one of the most iconic figures of the Department of Tourism, Dr Alan Clarke who came from Great Britain several years ago to teach and live in Veszprém. Please, tell me something about yourself. Where did you come from, why did you choose this career? It was an accident. I was […]

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Christmas is all around you

Every nation has its own special Christmas tradition, but only a few people are familiar with other cultures’ celebration specialities. As the festive season is coming up rapidly, I figured it would be fun to look at how some of our foreign students’ would celebrate Christmas at home. Before taking a close look at other […]