Culture during pandemic
Despite many of us wished on new year’s eve, the global covid-19 pandemic is still part of our life. We still have to wear the masks, be socially distanced from each other, and still trying to cope with the online education system. Our access to culture as such also changed. Still, we could do better, and experience cultural input not only by watching series and films on netflix.
If someone is already tired a bit of watching films and series, I would recommend to try to watch stage-plays online. Of course, watching plays online might not feel the same as sitting in the theatre, however, it definitely has its advantages: being able to see productions from other countries, so you don’t have to travel there, and you can see the play from all angles-let’s face it, everyone has experienced the situation when they had to sit at a spot from which they barely saw the play in the theatre. There are numerous Hungarian theatres, such as the Örkény István Színház, Katona József Színház, or the Vígszínház, which offer tickets as well as monthly subscription, so that you will have access not only for one single play, but many more, which you could watch as many times as you wish. I would suggest to visit eSzínház page, but if you have your favourite theatre in mind, you can visit their site as well. Moreover, at you can visit the finest theatre productions that are exclusive-from theatres all around the world, such as the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the Arts Theatre, The Royal Opera House, or the Royal Theatre Manchester.
If you miss going to museums, or galleries, I have good news for you. You can do virtual tours in several museums and art galleries as well. You might think that it is boring, but again, have you ever considered the fact that you don’t have to travel for hours, or even days to see an exhibition in a foreign country? The Louvre, the National Gallery of Art at Washington D.C., the British Museum, NASA, The Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York, the Vatican Museums, Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam offers great opportunities to experience an online tour. Furthermore, you can visit the finest Hungarian museums as well, such as in the case of Kassák Múzeum, Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, you can take a virtual walk in the Aquincum Museum as well. Similar to the online theatres, you have several options when you buy a ticket: you can choose whether you would like to see a temporary, or permanent exhibitions. Moreover, you can do virtual walks not only in museums, but also in whole towns, and other places as well, such as in the case of the city of Veszprém. If you are missing your urban lifestyle, you can also visit Metro line 4, and its stations in Budapest.
As the summer comes, and we will feel a sunnier, warmer weather I would also recommend to take long walks in parks, or public places. Many times, you can find outdoor exhibitions, and gallerys, such as in the case of Károlyi Kert in Budapest, where now you can visit Standby gallery. If you have a chance to go to Veszprém, I highly recommend to visit the Fire Lookout Tower, or take a walk to the Valley Bridge, or to Gulya Hill.